Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Today I'm stranded at home. Mother Nature proudly delivered five inches of snow last night, much to my dismay. So we're not working today. I have been reading a lot lately, so that's one good thing I've gotten out of this experience. I have already read three, about to be four of the books I brought up here with me. That just leaves me six left. I am coming home sooner than I had originally planned, but now I'm just counting down the days. Only three weeks left.


Anonymous said...

Hey Devin! Nicki gave me the link to your blog. Pretty interesting and I love the way you write lol. What books are you reading?

Chris Robinson said...

so you will be back in time for my birthday july 10th
wait before you get all excited about geting me a present just pay for me to go climbing at
Rokin & Jamin. your summer has probably ben more exciting than mine. cabin fever is starting to set in and im almost to the point of eating my frostbiten toes and morale among the multiple personalitys is running very low
please sind help A.S.A.P.

L.O.L. have a great time in walden