Things have been really crazy for me lately. I'm talking like super-hectic crazy, man (Whoa!-man ;] ). First things first though. My classes this term are fun, but busy. I still have English first period and that class is pretty much the same. Second period is the best class ever though. I finally joined Mayville's Epistemology class. Oh my gosh, EPIC. This class has everything you need to get the brain working and pumping, churning out crazy thoughts and ideas. The conversations in this class are absolutely AMAZING. Next is my World Civilizations class. That class is way too easy and not really all that interesting, but I need my history/social studies credits, so blah. Fourth period is now my cooking class, however. That class is awesome. Today we made chicken tetrazzini. It was so delicious, which is ironic considering it had mushrooms, onions, and water chestnuts in it, none of which I am particularly fond of. My last two classes are the same and they are operating pretty much the same as they were last term.
Next comes my after-school activities. The climbing team is really suffering at the moment. It really kind of sucks. I have watched this team grow since my freshman year. This team was a family then. It's just a bunch of kids getting together after school now. We took a two-week hiatus period before the beginning of term two, but we haven't had a real team meeting since then. I sincererly hope the team can pull it together and be the team I know it can be. Seeing as I am now president of the book club, my Wednesdays are no longer free, every other week at least. But I'm not complaining. We just got fifty new books from Boulder Bookstore to read and review. FIFTY. And what's even better is that for every two reviews we do, we get a $10 gift certificate to the Boulder Bookstore. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! For a bookworm like me, that's like Christmas at...well, Christmas time. <.<>The Graveyard Book. A marvelous and fantastic read for anybody who likes Gaiman's work. We are all reading individual books at the moment, the ones we got from Boulder Bookstore. I picked up three books: Caught Between the Pages, and The Chronicles of Vladmir Todd (books one and two). I also have National Honors Society meetings every first Wednesday of the month. This Saturday, in fact, we are going to clean some folk's homes. It should be fun, lots of shoveling ahead though. I've also been wanting to help a friend with her Amnesty Club, but with so little time as it is to get all my stuff done, I haven't been able to yet. Oh well, I guess we can't do everything, now can we?
Next is my current stuff at the house. With Christmas coming up, the family and I spent Thanksgiving weekend putting up the inside decorations (complete with hanging bear lights and Christmas tree) and most of the outside lights. Some of them are not working again but this happens every year, so you'd figure we'd be use to it. Also with the winter months coming up, I see a bit of cutting and gathering large chunks of firewood in the near future. My only comfort in this is that I won't be cold when sitting directly in front of the fire and not in the igloo temperature of the rest of our house. Mom does not always understand that fifty degrees is only warm to her and penguins, NO ONE ELSE.